On this day in Kent

What has happened on this day in Kent over the years, with the occasional smile.

Covering major international events to the tiniest bit of trivia, it is amazing how many aspects of life have changed over the years, and equally amazing, how many things have remained the same.

This is an ongoing project which I hope to expand. Still a lot of work going on behind the scenes!

England’s youngest Granny

January 18, 1954

Blonde Mrs Hilda Hart of Canterbury claimed the title of England’s youngest grandmother, aged 34. Her first grandchild, a boy, was born to her elder daughter, Mrs Joyce Love, just 17, wife of a soldier, who lives at 11 Edgar Road. Mrs Hart married at 16. Her husband is Mr. Sydney (Dasher) Hart, well known Canterbury newspaper seller.

Band for box

January 18, 1952
Band for box

Mention the new post box standing on the Green and Chartham villagers see red. At night, they have walked into it and gone off black and blue with bruises. Now – in the interests of public safety – the parish council are asking the GPO to paint a white band around the box.